Friday 9. May - Morning:

Opening Circle:


Sitting on chairs. Name, Number and anything you want to share with the group.

1. Exercise - "Fruitsalad":

- See further description Wednesday 7 / 5 - Game 7.
2. Exercise.
Walk around among eachother and choose your favourite spot on the floor…keep walking. Choose a person and notice where he/she is in the room but do not follow the person. When the facilitator says "go" everyone run to the person they have chosed and try to get this person to the spot on the floor.

3.Exercise -
"I'm Falling":

Everybody walk around each other ready to catch. Walk for a while and be aware of the others. Silence is important. Anybody can at any time say out loud: "I am falling". Then the persons standing next to must catch the person.
A trusting exercise that needs focus and concentration from all the participants.
If you work with children or young people, you may, to make sure that as many as possible try to "fall and being catch" write numbers on small pieces of paper. Each child gets a piece of paper and you, as the facilitator, say the numbers out loud.
4. Exercise -
"Hand on head":




Everybody walk around among each other in the room. Anyone can at any time go to another person and put his/her hand on the others back side of the head. Keeping the hand on the head, this person helps the other all the way down to the floor, so this person ends up lying on his/her back on the floor. The person now takes away his/her hand, and both persons get up and start to walk around the space again.
Working with kids or young people, underline that they can not put their hand on the head of a person that already has his / her hand on another persons head. This will end up in chaos.
If you put your hand on somebody's head you are responsible for their safety.
(Then we did "I'm falling" once more.)
5. Exercise -

Everyone has their eyes closed. Nice and gently walk around with your arms crossed on your chest. Everyone is "human beings"…The facilitator goes and squeeze the back of a neck of a person. Now this person will be "transformed" to a vampire. He/she screams the "scream of horror" - everyone knows there is a vampire among them. The vampire stretch his/her arms and with soft finger (look out for eyes, heads and so on) he/she can now turn people in to vampires by squeezing their neck. Each time a person becomes a vampire he/she must scream as loud and scary as possible, the sream of a vampire! Being a vampier you can transform others in to vampires by squeezung there neck(gently). If a vampire get his/her neck squeezed they sigh very loud and fold their arms on the chest. This exercise/game must be done in silence.
6. Exercise -
"The storytellers and the puppet":

Groups of three. Two persons make up a story the third person makes the story come alive while it being told. One person starts the story…just saying a few sentences…then the other person takes over…and so goes the story on. As the two persons tell the story the third person shows the story in action. Swift so everyone gets to be both storyteller and puppet.
A good exercise for people who are not used to make theatre. In this way you separates thoughts from action.
7 .Exercise: -

Pairs. Shake hands and close your eyes. One of you counts to four, while both of you take four steps back. Then stop. Then count again, taking four steps forward…now see if your hands meet. Do this exercise a few times. You might want to try more than four steps.
A variation can be, that A with one knee on the floor and knee bend so B can sit on the thigh. B closes his/her eyes and stands up now A count to four while B goes four step forward and stop. Counting four B goes four steps back and sits down…hopefully to hit the thigh.
8. Exercise -
"Blindfolded run":
8 persons ready to catch in the one end of the room. One by one the persons who feels like it can run with eyes closed being led by the voice of the facilitator.
9. Exercise -
"The leaping".
10 people standing on the floor ready to catch. One by one a person can go up on the table and when ready "jump"/leap/take of…with front to the persons on the floor. The persons on the floor must be strong.
"The loving touches - workshop": -






Find a partner that you have not been working with until now. Take turns with your partner. Each of you make a sequence of 7 loving touches you will give the other person…a stroke on the cheek, a kiss on the hand..! The person who receives the touches must stand still.
You must practice the sequences so you can remember it completely. Remember what you do, how you do it and in what order you do the "strokes".
Then both of you do your sequence at the same time. The facilitator put on some lovely, calm music and each couple do the sequence again.
After a few minutes the facilitator ask people to find a new partner. Both do their sequence of 7 loving "strokes" - at the same time.
The facilitator makes groups of four…then six…then eight. When you are in bigger groups you still has to do your sequence, but now you can share the loving touches with anyone.
In the end it one big group is created with all the participant in it - doing the loving touches.
After this exercise people are asked to lay down on their back and relax. The facilitator ask the group how they felt doing this exercise and how they feel right now. Any one can comment.
Exercise -
"Count to ten":
People still lying flat on the floor the facilitator gives the task to count from 1 - 10 in sequence 1,2,3 etc. any one can say a number at any time only if two persons say the same number at the same time or if the numbers are said in the wrong order we will have to start all over again.