Thursday 8. May - Morning - Games & Image Theatre



A very quick circle: name, number from 1-10 and any observations about the exercises / games yesterday or any questions.

Warming up exercises:
One big circle standing. The facilitator leads on shake first right arm, then left arm, right leg, left leg. Shake first 8 times then 6 / 4 / 2 / 1.

"1 - 2 – Bop":

Working in pairs: A says 1, B says 2, A says 3, B says "Bah", A says 2, B says 3, A says "Bah", B says "puff" A says 3… and so on. (Any number or sound is as good as any).


Pairs. Protect your own knee and at the same time try to touch the other ones knee. (When you touch the other ones knee you get a point.)
Protect your own feet and at the same time try to touch the other ones feet. (If you do you get a point).
One hand on your back try with the other hand (pointing finger) to touch the other ones back . At the same time protect your own back.
"Irish Duels":
"Image Theatre":
Standing in one big circle. The facilitator makes an image anybody can comment on: She makes the image of holding a baby in her arms. Comments: mother, sleep, etc. Then the facilitator ask everyone to turn their back to the circle.(This encourage people to think themselves and make their personal image).
The facilitator then says one word and everyone makes an image of their own. The facilitator counts down from 5 and everybody turn their front to the circle, showing their image / trying to look at the other images.
The facilitator comments on some of the images, ask people to comment. In this case the words /subjects for making the images are:
-Theatre. - Teenager.   - School.   - War. - Work.
Be aware that we project our own experiences in what we see in the image. Making images can help to suggest things/themes we can not put words on. In that way image theatre helps. It is a way to bring the inner world out.
It is very important to underline the importance of standing still /"freeze" doing the image. Moves can disturb the impressions the "audience" get.
As a facilitator doing "Image Theatre" you may touch people sculpturing them. Remember to ask if it is okay to touch them.
"Image Theatre" -
Images in pairs.




Making images in pairs - A and B must not speak about the image they are creating, because the person who is being formed automatically will use his/her own experiences.
Both A and B makes an image. Each couple show the produced images in the middlie of the circle. Between each image being shown the rest of the group close their eyes. This to help the audience to remember each image and also to make the first impression more powerful. The facilitator clapp her hands when the audience can open their eyes.
The theme for this image was: "Education".
The image can contain or represent a symbol, a metaphor, an experience etc.
It has to be true for the one who is making the sculpture.
Make sure that you are very precise making the image.
Each image: the story it tells is our own story.
Every image being shown in the group is a gift being shared.

Normally the facilitator will have a discussion with the participant about each image, but we did not have the time for this part.
Coffee / Tea break.
"Image Theatre" - Continued .  
The group is divided into two. Men in one group - women in another. Each group is asked to make 4 collected images:
- The best / worst about being a woman?
- The best / worst about being a man?
Each group talk about how to create the four images.
In the "women group" we went into a circle with our back turned to the circle - each of us did our own personal image for instance "what is the best about being a woman"…then turned and while doing our own image we looked around at the others and walked/crawl to the persons which image we thought/felt made sense to our own image. So that we became small groups sharing/expressing some of the same feeling in relation to this subject.
Then we talked about, what each small group represented and how to make a connection between the different images, creating one big image.
The different images is being shown. The facilitator helps cutting each image into small pieces by asking the persons in the image: "what does this person(s) show/ represent?".
Finally we had a discussion about the different images: what did it make you feel.