Thursday 30. January -
Morning -
The Contract:


Normally when we work with youngsters or kids we make the contract in the beginning.
It is a collective discussion.
Examples of permanent or often used items in the contract could be:
1) "We need to take care of each other and allow our self being taking care of".
2) "Mutual trust and respect"
3) "Discretion - what happens in the room stays in the room"

The Contract made in Velingrad for 28.1--2.2.2003:
Take care of yourself and allow yourself to be taken care of.
Smoking in agreed areas only.
Take responsibility for yourself and the group - timekeeping etc.
Give good listening to each other.
Confidentiality and discretion.
Do your best to respect each others feelings, opinions and experiences.
Tolerance - respect each others differences.
"Open space technology":




Whoever comes to the meeting are the right people.
What ever happens is the only thing that could have happened. No regrets or "I wished".
Whenever it starts, it is the right time. Being here now, not thinking about tomorrow.. When it is over, it is over.

Every person takes own responsibility for asking the questions you want to discuss.
Everyone in this workshop is on the same level.
Everyone participates - making network and being a part of the network.
Reports from Open Space - Only one law: "the law of the two feet".

Meaning you are personal responsible for yourself.
It is your own responsibility to gain from this.
Do not waste any of your time If you want to go from one group to another - do it!
Sharing skills = best thinking!
There are only two kind of personalities (there are many more, but in rough terms):
1) "Bumblebees": busy, quick making contact and network.
2) "Butterflies": more quiet, helps to hold and make space, good listeners. = both parts are as important as the other
Normally there will be paper in the middle of the room - Everyone who has a question will write it down. The one's who has no question on paper must make sure someone takes notes.
Closing exercise: -


One big circle, Gill turned to the person at her left side, while she clapped once with her hands. The person at her left should try to clap at the same time as Gill. He/she then turned left and did the same thing together with the following person etc.
Then Gill clapped with her hands an unknown number of claps to the person next to her who also turned and did the same number of claps. This should go fast.
Gill send out 8 claps and when they got back to her, she got 9!