Saturday 29. March - Afternoon -
Forum Theatre in action:


Each group show their play one time and then discussion with the spectators.
- The joker ask questions:
- Is this story believable?
- Are there any possible interventions? The interventions must keep the story open for other interventions / possibilities.
- In terms of Forum Theatre, is there a clear person you would sympathies with.
- Is there one person who can change this story / this situation in a positive way? This person becomes the catalyst for the changes and the person who will present the interventions.
2. Inspiration how to play:


If the information is important for the story or gives the story new dimensions, you must get it into the story.

- It may help in difficult situations/be relieving to play the story with different themes:
- Cartoon
- Opera
- Musical
- Ballet
- Riverdance or many more.
- Or the themes can be representing emotions:
- Every character hates all the other characters.
- Every character is in love with all the other characters.
- Being inspired of this, remember the story is the same.
- In Forum Theatre we can go back and forward in time. We can go on forever - we can go where ever the audience want to go.
3. Joker / Intervention / Responsibility/Changes:
Being the Joker you can ask the audience:
- "How can this be better"?
- "Is there anything you would like to change"?
- "Would you like to go up there and show us".
- It is important that the audience is active and becomes spectators - there is a big difference in explaining and showing.
- Remember the applause after each intervention
- Every person making intervention did his/her best.
- The interventions are important for having a go, not for making the perfect solution.
- We will never find the perfect solution. There is not only one solution.

In the evening: Portuguese folklore and, of course, Bachalau!
but also a birthday cake:

- If a intervention involves physically things like fights, it must be shown in slow motion and without body contact.
- It is allways a good idea to ask the people on stage, if they have some comments.
It is important to look after the person, who is sharing his/her story. As it is important to look after the persons who have played the oppressors. (But also remember - Boal does not dance about peoples feelings).
- It is about being responsible for one self.
- It is about sharing the story, so everyone can learn something.
- It is not the Jokers job to know best. It is patronising trying to say: I know best.
- Real changes is within.
- All parts of the process is important for these changes.
4. The last game "I´m falling":


Everybody walks around eachother ready to catch. Walk for a while be aware of the others. Silence is important. Any body can at any time say out loud: "I am falling". Then persons standing next to will catch him / her.
- A trusting exercise that needs focus and concentration from all the participants.

5. The last circle in Porto:

We were sitting on chairs in a big circle as close as possible.
One at a time, everyone was saying to the person on their right, what they are appreciating about this person.
- The facilitator started having a rainbow coloured ball of yarn. The many colours because each and everyone of us is different.
- This ball of yarn was given all around the circle from one person to another. It passed on, when the person had said something nice to the person sitting next.
When the circle was closed, everybody had a piece of rainbow coloured yarn in their hands.
- With the person next to you did split the piece between you and make a bow.
And then a birthday song for Tsvete!
- Now evryone had the proof of being part of something big and beautiful - like a rainbow!!